Joy, Excitement, Adventure, Elation
Cognitive Core
Stages of Change, Shock and Awe/Negotiation/ Grief = Loss, Sad (is healthy)
Fear System (Guilt System)
Fear, Shame (Guilt) – BOUNDARIES – Guilt = Violation of Ethics = SCARCITY
Defense System
Anger, Frustration, Annoyance, “Being Bothered”
Confusion = RED ALERT = TAMPERING Cognitive Core
Anxiety = RED ALERT – Trapped = Lack of CONTROL = LACK AUTHORITY = NOT USING YOUR BOUNDARIES…. In your Comfort Zone and you don’t feel safe enough to leave your comfort Zone … Fear system VS… your IDENTITY…
Dissociation = Fear System “SYSTEM SHUT DOWN” – “Flop” Response
When the emotions you feel are INTENSE…
- Currently in Danger and you are NOT using your Boundaries
- You are off calibration and your Fear System is trying to use MOTIVATOR EMOTIONS on you