Core Lessons

Ethereal (Ether) Physics Ether, in physics, a theoretical universal substance believed during the 19th century to act as the medium for transmission of electromagnetic waves (e.g., light and X-rays), much as sound waves are transmitted by elastic media such as air. The ether was assumed to be weightless, transparent, frictionless, undetectable chemically or physically, and literally permeating all matter and space. The theory met with increasing difficulties as the nature […]

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A Societal Nursery : When Society Needs A Middle School To Accommodate the Next Societal Stages. So We Built It.

30 years of Sociological Studies did a lot to teach me how Societies move, change, and grow to accommodate the growth of the people. And when a Society “caps” out and the people outgrow the Kindergarten Room, it can be a problem. A Society is just a Mindset. A Mindset of The Collective Conscious. Reality

A Societal Nursery : When Society Needs A Middle School To Accommodate the Next Societal Stages. So We Built It. Read More »

Love + Logic + Freedom <+ The 12 Ethics (Montoya Point)

Where All of Mental Health begins. Love + Logic + Freedom <+ The 12 Ethics While reviewing this post, I saw this one from my “recommended” posts: The Rorschach Print Perspective™ In January 2002, after 9/11, because of 9/11, I invented The Rorschach Print Perspective, which was the First Domino in my Research. Ending with

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The Geometry and Physics of Sustained Human Relationships

New data regarding Emotional Transactions of Human Connections and The You of I : Since September 2022, I felt like I was having to work to stay connected to my partner. At the risk of sounding “corny,” we depended much on our love to keep the relationship going. Through the hardest parts of enduring the

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How To Build Yourself From Nothing

How To Build Yourself From Nothing Symptoms of Traumatized in the 1st Perspective: Addiction Eating Disorder Self-Mutilation Kidnappers / Serial Killers / Pedophilia Feeling trapped in a Comfort Zone Anxiety and Panic Attacks (FeelingTrapped from being trapped in your comfort Zone) Discouragement Self-Loathing Overwhelm These are all symptoms that the Individual is not Self-Regulating for Comfort

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Learn Logic. Find the Anomalies. Become a Detective. This is what sparked, ignited, and propelled my education forward. I was curious and couldn’t stand anomalies. I still can’t. They pick at me and nag at my logic like little mysteries begging to be riddled out and resolved. It’s a method of teaching I am using

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On Forgiveness

This is best followed with The Narcissist Cure. Which is to be done after you understand the Emotional Transactions of Human Connection. We are Mirrors. Literally. Human People live and Learn by the Laws of Optic Physics. We are Mirrors. We REFLECT EVERYTHING. We see our Reflection of Past Self in others. We MUST train

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