Good morning, everyone.
I need to bring you all up to speed.
I need to tell you who I really am. I am the Founder of The Healing Garden, which is a $5.4 Trillion Business that has collaborated with another Business that has a Self-Generating resource Generator.
The Healing Garden has the cure to Mental Illness, and The Radical Global Healing Plan.
Translation… We have infinite money, enough for the entire world and the ability to cure everyone on the planet, fix the economy, and restore our resources, which we estimate will be well under way in about… 2 years? Maybe 5 if the Government is dicks.
I am the leader of the World’s smartest brains on the planet. We make Einstein look like an idiot. And we’ve teamed up to fix the world, which we’re doing.
Every day, we bring in more Super-Geniuses all of whom bring their Uber-Genius Vision and Concept to the table… and we’re all Ethical. Now, there are unethical people in position who do not want us to succeed, and we’ve already dealt with their crap, but hey… **laughing** we’re REALLY fucking smart.
So here is what we are doing: I am Head Hunting. I am a “Talent Scout” for Visionaries and Geniuses. THAT is what I REALLY am. I am a Master Networker who has a skill for finding the smartest MOST ETHICAL people in the room and onboarding them.
They HAVE to be Action Takers, PASSIONATE, Innovative, Pioneers, Visionaries… ETC.
Now Business where I am is NOT at all like your 9-5. To be blunt, there is an Invisible Economy that NO ONE knows about until and unless you are IN it, and businesses run COMPLETELY different there. I train people in that type of Economics. It’s called Power Economics.
The Economics the Common People are given is “Scarcity” Economics or “Poor Man” Economics and it is designed to keep you poor (which is why the poor get poorer… Your “Education” has been weaponized against you).
I am looking to invest in 3 talents. Here are the rules and the details on the project: If you are interested, meet me in PANDO.
If you want to learn more about what we are doing, meet me in PANDO.
We ONLY take on Visionaries, Ethical Leaders, Humanitarians, and/or those who are ASPIRING to be… We train you up to BE one of us… We turn people into Ethical Geniuses and Leaders.
But, here’s the catch… You have to enter a student, ready to embrace Science. We take the “scary” out of Science, and we use Logic, Math, and Physics to prove Truth where I come from.
It’s how we cured Mental Illness. If you’re not willing to make that change, we can’t help you. But if you are, well then, the only requirement is the desire to want it and the willingness to put in the work.
Aspiring or Realized Ethical Visionaries who have or want a Mission or a Calling ONLY.
“The important thing is this: To be able, at any moment, to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.” Charles DuBois