Pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit of Truth. Pursuit of You.

“Truth is ever to be found in simplicity and not in the multiplicity and the confusion of things.” – Sir Isaac Newton

Hello. My name is Anna Imagination. My story is the foundation of my work. I am a scientist, a Cartographer of the Internal Expanse, an Ontological Physicist, and the Founder of The Science of Comprehension. My work focuses on Man’s Internal Electromagnet, and The Science of Human Propagation and Prosperity.

I am currently pioneering toward Unified Theory. You can view my Scientific Method here. I am Independent and own my own Business. I am not affiliated with any Insurance Company, Government Body, University, or Science Facility. I adhere to the rules and laws of Scientific Method and Ethical Law and Natural Order. 

I believe in full Transparency. For this reason, I post the “Stages of Proof” here on my Front Page. 

At this time, 100% of my work is as follows:

  1. Mathematical Intuition and Intuitive Logic Completed
  2. Logical Proof Completed
  3. Math Proof and Formula Completed
  4. Physics Proof and Formula Completed 
  5. Interviews and Discussion with Layman showing 100% Confirmation in “Practical Application” Completed
  6. Abstract Written on my current theory. You can view my Abstract here. 
  7. Currently In progress: Case Studies Conducted 
  8. Currently In progress: My work is currently undergoing Peer Review 
  9. Currently In progress: Preparations for Clinical Trials is underway. Results will be published here. 

“Science is the separation of “Man” and “God.” It is the process of removing “Man-Made-Religions” and “Man-Made Concepts” from “God” until only “God” is left. – Anna Imagination

The Internal Expanse is the many layers of Dimensions within the Abstract that lay beyond Imagination, Mathematics, and Fiction. Beyond that is the Metaphysical Transformation, and then the Abstract opens up to the Internal Expanse.

The Depth of the Subconscious Mind.

This is my Mastery.

How I came to find this world and define it, map it, and explore it was through need. I am a sufferer of severe trauma who fought back with Problem Solving, Education, and Science, which led me to the Science of Internal Expanse, Perspectivology, and Logical Health where I discovered the cure to Mental Illness. All of them.

I used to have most of them including DID (Multiple Personality Disorder). I used my Alters to map out my 4 Perspectives of the Subconscious Mind and release my “Mark of Bligh.”

When this ended, it was like breaking down the dam to my Growth and Natural Mental Evolution, which opened the door into the Internal Expanse. I passed through the Metaphysical Transformation Stage (What I call Perspectives 6 through 10), and I am now beyond, into the Internal Expanse.

Here, my Interdisciplinary Studies merge with “Psychology,” which has given me great, undiscovered insight into the Human Evolution of the Subconscious Mind. My days consist of me Exploring, Mapping, and Communicating my findings and research to others.

My Case Studies and research confirm the Consistency of my findings. I see everyone, every Subconscious Mind, and how it follows the Perspective Laws of the Internal Expanse.

Without my work and field studies, I simply would not, could not exist. One does not simply “get over” Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissism, PTSD (44+ Triggers), Bipolar Disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, Stockholm Syndrome, and Depression 3 years after exiting 40 years of Female Domesticated Slavery.

And yet, I did.

My story is the story of how I did just that and how my healing led me to the discovery of Perspectivology, Logical Health, and my work and exploration into the Internal Expanse.

“Nothing disrupts the ability to articulate clear and precise Logical Thought and Intelligence more than Mental Illness, which often, and in most cases, is misinterpreted as “Insanity.” – Anna Imagination

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