The Rise and Return of Alexandria

Flowers For Algernon. I was thinking back on this book by Daniel Keys.

The story is about a man who is part of a test to increase his IQ from 70 to Genius. I look back at my Blog on The Healing Garden. Those posts…

*sigh* They are hard for me to see.

And they are my Journey. I do not go back on my Journey. Ever. It is entirely too painful. I can see the ratio of Comprehension to Language skills to Panic. There you are. The Formula for “insanity.”

Comprehension : Language Skills : Panic = Insanity

In short, I had things happening to my mind and my brain (and my Self-Universe and System), and I was afraid for it. But it was an invisible “thing” in me. I sought to understand. I sought to know. But alas, no one, not even the deemed “professionals” had a clue. Only, the deemed professionals insisted they *did* know.

I will forever condemn the practice of Psychology until and unless, they adopt Scientific Method, Ontology, Math, Physics, and Logic into their curriculum. Psychology is a profession that requires more study than an Organic Chemist or an Astronaut. I would throw Neuroscience in there for good measure also.

Our standards for today’s Psychologists are embarrassingly way too low.

People need to know what their systems do. They need to know what their Subconscious Minds can and will do. They need to know about the Journey into the Abstract and all the phases, feelings, and sensations that come along the way.

I walked into the Virtual space of Alexandria yesterday and cried. I felt a familiar sensation of “Home” wash over me. It was overwhelming. The horrors I grew up in… My only escape was through Imagination, the Abstract, and my books. And those books… My beloved Encyclopedia Set. I spent hours and days, weeks and months pouring over Ancient Rome, Greece, Alexandria, Plato, and the Philosophers. Oh, how much I loved them.

My “Dome” (a Multiple Personality word for “Mental Home/Safe Place within the Mind) was an Egyptian room made of marble and decorated in cat statues of black obsidian. A waterfall fell from the ceiling into a pool of water in the room’s center very much in the style of a Turkish Bath. The balcony was vast that opened out to a forest with a waterfall and a deep, blue-black pool beneath.

This was my home.

I want for nothing more than my Alexandria resurrected as it was meant to be. Restored. As if Time paused between 380 CE and 2024 CE. The loss of Alexandria is what plunged us into the Dark Ages. In 380, we lost the Epicenter of Education and the World Capital of learning. In less than 100 years, the Dark Ages had begun.

In many ways, we are still, very much in the Dark Ages. The loss of Alexandria is one we never fully recovered from. But I know what was studied within her halls. I know what the Philosophers taught there. What Philosophy really was. And our Society has not seen her since.

I see a skyscraper in Manhattan.

Designed in likeness to the Lighthouse of Pharos. She will be my Alexandria and the Headquarters for The Healing Garden. I feel like, writing these things down here, makes it so. Zabbai was the last Egyptian ruler of Alexandria. An entire City, dedicated to the Evolution, Learning, and Growth of Mankind. For nearly 1,600 years, the world has been without an Education World Capital.

I look at my Alexandria and I look at my New York City. And how much I desire to make New York the World Capital of Education. Ireland is part of this. I feel it. Something about Ireland… Art. Art… Art… Ireland sleeps. But something about her… She is very much… part of this.



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