You Can Now Prove That You Suffer And Measure The Quantity.

You are not “Insane.” You are Suffering and there is a BIG DIFFERENCE.

Today, I found the Core baseline from Science in an Abstract that Proves that your “Insanity” is just Suffering.

Suffering and Pain is Suppressed and Resistance to our Natural Ethical Law and Natural Order of Learning according to our Self-System, and is the Core Source of All Mental Pain, Suffering, and Mental Illness.

Here is how to measure yours.

You will need the Following :

  • Duration of Misalignment resulting in Imbalance
  • Your Ethical Perspective
  • Your Fear Perspective
  • Your Environmental Ethical Perspective

Humans Vibrate on a Frequency, according to this Abstract. When you align the Ethical Perspectives to the Frequency, you can located the Quantity and Duration of Phase Differences/Interference that altered your Frequency. (Links coming soon)

  • Go here to find out which Ethical Perspective you are. This Number is X.
  • Go here to find out which Ethical Perspective your Fear is. This Number is Y.
  • Go here to find out which Ethical Perspective your Environment is. This Number is Z.

Now, you should have a Number X-Y-Z, which I refer to as “Your Perspective Combination.” They are supposed to be Aligned. The more unaligned they are, the more Cognitive Dissonance (Suffering) you have.

Resistance occurs only when a Larger Perspective who Functions at a Higher Frequency is forced to Conform or “shrink” to accommodate a Lower Perspective or Frequency, Resisting the Rate of Learning Growth.

Now, match up your Frequency to the Ethical Perspective Chart below.

Subtract The Fear Frequency from Your Ethical Frequency. The Difference is your Phase Difference.

Subtract The Environmental Frequency from Your Ethical Frequency. The Difference is your Phase Difference.


Frequency Increase = Growth

Resistance = Interference of Rate of Growth.

Phase Difference = Cognitive Dissonance

  • 1Hz Resistance is Unnoticeable for most
  • 2Hz Resistance is Uncomfortable to Unbearable
  • 3Hz Resistance is Intolerable and can lead to suicide and Substance Abuse

Now, to calculate the Duration, Take where you are Now (Today) to when you remember being at your Ethical Perspective (For most people, this is anywhere between 4 and 8 years old. Most people report “I’ve always been this way.”) Only YOU can determine these Numbers FOR YOU. You MUST use your Self-Authority to CHOOSE what your Ethic is. Whichever one you WANT to be at, *IS* your Ethical Perspective.


Phase Difference + Duration + Rate of growth = Trauma

4Hz + 32 Years – 0% RoG = 4hz/32years

3Hz + 1 Year – X Rog

How do you determine the Rate of Growth? (Working on it…)


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