Life Satisfaction and the 1st Perspective of the They of I

I woke this morning to the 1st Perspective of the They of I.

It felt like waking up to Nirvana. The concept “Valley of Shadow of Death” very much can be used to describe all of life of the I of I and the You of I.

I set to work at 6:00 AM, recording classes for Alexandria: Triadic Healing Part #2, today. After recording the 4th video of Course #4: Simple Science for Practical Application, another grand feeling filled me that can only be described as Life Satisfaction.

For the first time in my life, I feel like, if I were to die today, I would die in Peace. It is the feeling of knowing I have contributed to Society. It is a feeling of knowing I did my best. It is a feeling of knowing my Life achievement has been reached. It is the feeling of having fulfilled my life Purpose. It is the feeling of having reached my True Potential. It is all of this things in one.

I will be creating a “Bonus Course” that walks people through the “How to Identify and Achieve Your Life Satisfaction,” but for now, I just wish to reflect.

A short while ago, I have another realization: This… This is what money cannot buy. When you become rich, and you’re left feeling “empty” and “unsatisfied” and “money doesn’t fix your problems…” This… this is what people missed when pursuing money.

This is the meaning of life. This is the purpose of life.

The Pursuit of Life Satisfaction in Achieving your Life purpose.

Is the Contribution to Society a requirement? Or is that unique to my Life Purpose? I do not know.


In hindsight, now I know, this is the “thing” I have had inside of me all my life, for 40 years. Like a leviathan it ate my soul, feasted on me from the inside out. This is the “thing” I have been seeking to release in me all my life.

At long last, I can breathe.

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