Emotions Glossary

Emotions – The feelings one receives from hormones that are triggered in the brain during Cognitive Core Processing to inform, motivate, or reward the Conscious Awareness as of the Status of their Logical and/or Story Health.

Logical Health – The Condition of an Individual’s Truth, Self, and Perspective that determines the Optimum Mental Wealth or Decline of the Individual’s Status.

Fear – A lack of trust or Knowing of The Self. The Self Undefined. Stage #3 of the Fear Spectrum.

Unknown – A feeling of Instability and Undefined portion of the Self. The need to Define the Self. Stage #1 of the Fear Spectrum.

Love (Noun) – A State of Being. The Self Defined.

Love (Verb) – To Value without Profit or Gain. The only Resource that requires no previous Resources. It can evolve from Nothing.

Confusion – Stage #1 of the Cognitive Dissonance Spectrum. The “Red Flag” emotion that warns you when you are receiving information that contradicts your Logical Truth.

Jealousy – A Compound Emotion. Insecurity and Distrust that, when compounded can awaken the Defense System to “Preserve your Resources.” Experienced when People are viewed as Limited Resources or Possessions.

Trust – Knowing in One’s or Another’s Abilities or Reliability

Worth – Our Defined Value equal to or greater than/less than the Risk that is determined by our summation of our Qualities

Value – To prioritize the Self or another

Patience – The Emotion that tells us we have to learn. The faster you learn, the less you have to wait.

Resource – A skill or Inventory one gains from others or from within the Self.

Fruit – The results of our Emotional and Connecting Work with the Self or with Others. Love, Sex, Control, or Money.

Authority – The Role and relationship with Choice that an Individual has.

Power – The Energy an Individual uses to direct and steer their Choice into Action.

Control – The Fruit of one’s labors when they wield their Authority appropriately.

Sad – Loss of not getting what we want when we want it. A Decline in the Defined Self. Usually not enough to cause lasting damage or harm. A belief that we can or have lost a part of the Defined Self. The feeling when we lose a piece of our Story that we are attached to.

Depression – The pining and/or Grieving over Loss of the Self. A belief that we cannot have The Self. Usually Dreams, Hopes, Wishes, or Love.

Anger – Stage #4 of the Anger spectrum. The feeling of an outside Catalyst possibly causing harm to the Self. Part of the Defense System.

Frustration – Stage #3 of the Anger spectrum. The feeling of an outside Catalyst possibly causing harm to the Self. Part of the Defense System.

Bothered – Stage #1 of the Anger spectrum. The feeling of an outside Catalyst possibly causing harm to the Self. Part of the Defense System.

Annoyed – Stage #2 of the Anger spectrum. The feeling of an outside Catalyst possibly causing harm to the Self. Part of the Defense System.

Guilt – The feeling one gets when the choices of an Individual contradict the Individual’s Ethics. The “other” feeling aside from disgust, that a Vegetarian would feel if they ate meat. The feeling a pacifist feels when they are violent. The feeling most individuals feel when they harm someone they love. Disgust and Guilt are on the same Emotional Spectrum.

Shame – Often mistaken as “Guilt,” Shame is the feeling of Fear one gets when they anticipate “punishment” for not “obeying” a Conditioned behavior. Often experienced during Self-Love or Self-Care.

Disgust – The Emotion experienced when our Ethics are violated. Disgust and Guilt are on the same Emotional Spectrum.

Desperation – Panic. The need to “ACT.” The emotional pursuit of “Control” without exercising Authority or Mastering Power.

Anxiety – The feeling of being “Trapped.” The feeling of losing “Control.” Always due to Fear vs. Love, and not being Confident enough to confront Fear or Discomfort to pursue what is wanted or Loved.

Desire – Love, Want, Defined Love, to Value an experience or an action of the Self

Discomfort – The Emotion experienced when we grow, explore, or are pushed into challenge. This emotion can range from subtle and hardly noticeable to extreme and should be used to determine when “The Comfort Zone” is needed.

Comfort Zone – The State of Mind where an individual can administered Self-Discipline, Self-Regulation, and Problem Solve safely without the pressure of Survival or immediate Action.

Comfort – A state of Emotional Rest and Respite. A Resting Point to allow for Healing, Confidence, and Self-Rebound

Pain – The Cognitive Dissonance one experiences when they fail to administer Self-Comfort. The Emotion that exists beyond the Discomfort Zone when an Individual ventures too far or too long into Discomfort.

Shock / Surprise / Awe – The state of trying to determine if Information received is going to result in a loss, a gain, or an indifference of Inventory/Resources.

Disbelief – Often personified in Arguing or Negotiation when the individual is attempting to process information to determine it’s validity prior to accepting the information into their Cognitive Core for Processing.

(Sometimes, I define words and I am flabbergasted and/or astounded at the precision of the emotions. It makes so much logical sense that i just think… How have we not known this before?)

Flabbergasted/Astounded – States of Shock and Surprise as we process new data and receive clarity

Epiphany – Comprehension. Understanding. Clarity. This leads to the Cognitive Core Processing the new data to expand the scope of the Perspective.

Apparently the Scope on a Perspective can be widened, narrowed, and/or expanded. Hence “Close-Minded” or “Open-Minded.”

Good – Information Defined as Compatible with one’s Ethics.

Bad – Information Defined as Incompatible with one’s Ethics.

Right – Information Defined as Compatible with one’s Logic.

Wrong – Information Defined as Incompatible with one’s Logic.

Should – A Red Flag Word. The word that is used to insert a NEW command into the Subconscious Mind to alter one’s behavior. This is a word that can be used consciously by the Self to remove an undesired behavior by the Owner. Conditioned by an Outsider to subconsciously alter someone else’s behavior in favor of the Outsider. Used directly by an Outsider to subconsciously alter someone else’s behavior in favor of the Outsider.

Logical Fallacy – Often referred to as a “Limiting Belief,” a Logical Fallacy is Fear disguised as a Belief within the Cognitive Core that resulted from Trauma or Abuse regardless of motive that alters an Individual’s Behavior.

The Self – Who an Individual is Defined by the Qualities, Values, Ethics, Desires, Dreams, Hopes, and Names one selects for themselves.

Story – The Past, Present, and Future of an Individual.

Author – The Ownership of Choice of one’s Life, allowing an Individual to Create their own Past, Present, and Future. Hence Authority.

Authentic – Original Creation that reflects the Logical Truth of the Self.

Cognitive Core – The 5 Elements comprised of Components within the Subconscious Mind that makes up the Logical Health, Defined Self, and the Personal Truth that is Perspective.

Cognitive Core Processing – The act of altering and/or changing the Perspective within the Cognitive Core due to a change of Information that can widen, narrow, expand, or adjust the Perspective.

Imagination – Our Projected Perspective. Our Story depicting what was, what is, what is desired, feared, or wanted, and/or what is to come.

Alone – The loss of the Defined Self

Lonely – The feeling of emptiness that results from a loss of the Defined Self.

Rejection – The feeling one experiences when they reject a part of the Defined Self.

Abandonment – A Fictionalized Fear of losing the Belonging of the Defined Self often used by Abusers to manipulate and control the actions of others.

Story Sickness – The lack of Authority and ill-Discipline of our Power that results in Assumption, Exaggeration, and Improbable Fictions that project our lack of the Defined Self onto others.

Story Health – The overall Condition and balance of an Individual’s Defined Self with their Responsibility and Authority of their own Past, Present, or Future and how they present themselves within their own story.

Internalize – The act of putting one’s Self into the Story of another and then holding the Self responsible for the Other Person’s suffering.

Project – The act of putting one’s Self into the Story of another and then holding the Other Person responsible for your suffering.

Boundaries – The ability to hear another person’s Story (Perspective) and to not change or shift Stories or Perspectives. When everyone stays in their own stories.

Narcissism – The belief that we cannot save ourselves. The Projection of the Undefined Self and Self-Love onto Another in pursuit of The Self.

  • We often project Self-Love onto Others.
  • We often project our Undefined Self onto Others.
  • We often project our need to Define the Self onto Others.

Easy – To do or receive information in order and at the right time for you. To do something meant for you. To do with joy.

Hard – To do or receive information out of order or at the wrong time for you. To do something not meant for you. To do without joy.

Simple – Containing only 5 or fewer steps

Complex – Containing multiple steps that exceed 5 or more and may include multiple parts