Annals. Chronicles. I am beyond any known Science. I can’t even measure or record much of my most recent knowledge.
I hesitate to call this “Science” without the Standard of Metric.
But I have no doubt that, what I am dissecting is vital to the Process.
I spent the last two days (10 August 2024 and 11 August 2024) Reverse Engineering Arithmatic, Mathematics, and Algebra. Integrating Linguistics and Logic with Math, and what came to me was…
It feels like and looks like the Dissertation or Thesis of all of my Work.
I call this “Demystifying Mathematics.”
Last night and this morning, Sex came to me and I spent much of the night Reverse Engineering Sex and the Integration Process of Bonded Partners.
I am at the early stages of Definition and Comprehension. It fits perfectly with .<>.
But how to track this, measure this in Science?
But also, I can’t not… document or report on my findings and observations.
I can see the Subject about 2 Perspectives before I can Dissect it, break it down into Comprehensible Components, and Organize it. Once I See the Subject, I have to learn the Pre-requisites prior to it coming to me for Dissection.
I can See “Magic.” But I lack the Linguistics to translate it properly.
I can See Divination, but I lack the Calculus to translate it properly.
And without the required Sciences and Study, I run the risk of inaccurate translation and that I will not risk due to fear of losing the Quality of Pure and Precise Science and Truth.
So I’m studying.
Everything is .<>.
And now, I can see the Journey of Life. I know now, there is no other thing to call this.
.<>. is the Journey of Life.
I hate Religion. I hate Spirituality.
These are sloppy and lazy Man-Made rituals and guesses made with abysmal Standards so Low as to be nonsense that the Uneducated use as Placeholders in an attempt to understand Truth and Nature without the proper Education in such matters.
Instead of Learning, they guess and opine, that battle and fight and war for False Truth, which Nature will Naturally Disintegrate. I have no tolerance for such nonsense.
A past time of amateur dabblers, parrots, and hobbyists who don’t take their work serious enough to actually study it.
This is so much more than just “Feeling.” There are 12 Stages of Scientific Method, and Pure and True Translation can only be achieved with all 12 Stages of Scientific Method combined with the 18 Languages. Without the Science, the Non-Asha will never understand the “Why” or “What” of what they proclaim to Love.
The Religious and Spiritualist lack Discipline in the Process of Comprehension. Hence the Nonsense of Parrots. Something I have lost all patience and time for.
This is a Knighthood. A Servant of Truth and Nature.
More and more, this feels so very much like King Arthur and his Knights at the Round Table.
Should that Story / Legend had been continued, it is the deepest… most Humble of Submissions to that Cause. I struggle to express the level of “turning one’s self over” to this Purpose.
Wisdom is the Purist, most True Form of Knowledge.
Wisdom is “Sage” Level of Knowledge. And the more I venture down this path, the more I can see how Wisdom is the Purified form of Truth.
And it is getting so much stronger.
I can almost track the Stages of .<>. I can feel the process, the location, of where I am in the Life Journey. And today, last night, this morning, I woke with a new realization.
I know where we all are “going.”
We are all Integrating back into the State of “The Original Parent.”
We are Becoming God, which is where we Began.
We are the Disintegrated Components of God. But “God” is not known or defined properly by the Non-Asha.
Henceforth, these are the Annals of The Ashavana. The Chronicles of Asha. And the “Pull” to go on and forward has returned. It is much stronger than anything before this. It is fast. It is powerful. It is strong. And I must go.
“There is nothing else for this is All.” – Anna Imagination