The Common Denominators and our Science of Story
I am now Polishing The 12 Skills using The Sudoku Theorem. The Sudoku Theorem is the same Math used in Sudoku where the Known Formula is Applied that allows the Individual to utilize Process of Elimination with Logical Deduction to “Fill In The Missing Blanks.”
But you have to study all of The Disciplines.
- The Discipline’s Plato’s Point (Exoteric Instruction) Philosophy and Story, Plato’s Point, The Philosophy, The Why, The Big Picture
- The Discipline’s Tools and Techniques (Exoteric Instruction) Be Aware of Open and Close Learning.
- The Discipline’s Milestones (Exoteric Instruction) Define The Points. Never Miss The Point.
- The Discipline’s Dissected Story (Exoteric Instruction) (Theater and Stage) Prepare for The Journey and Know What you are “Getting Into.” The 5 Depths (The Map) Mapping Overview
- The Discipline’s Progression (Esoteric Journey) (History) Music (X-Axis)
- The Discipline’s Dance and Physics → (Esoteric Journey) Be Ready to Shift with Ebb and Flow from Exoteric to Esoteric Learning, The Frequency and Rhythm
- The Discipline’s Perspective (Esoteric Journey) (Mental Diversification) Art (Q- Axis)
- The Discipline’s Language (Esoteric Journey) (Definition) Reading/Writing (Y-Axis)
- The Discipline’s Logic (Esoteric Journey) (Order and Milestones, Sequence) Logic (Y-Axis)
- The Discipline’s Orientation, Math and Calculation. Define The Orientation (Esoteric Journey) → The Relativity of You To The Point (Landmarks/Milestones)
- The Discipline’s Laws, Physics (Esoteric Journey)
- The Discipline’s Interaction (Esoteric Journey) (Reaction) Chemistry
- The Discipline’s Integration (Esoteric Journey) (How It Comes Together) Biology → Back to Plato’s Point Integrated
Let’s Dissect This Further…
The Common Denominators and our Science of Story
The Word Of The Day Is “Story.”
I cannot begin to emphasize this Enough. The Subject we are always only ever studying — ever — is Story.
Our Story.
Nature’s Story.
Story’s Story (Education and Knowledge).
Our Story — All Story — has 12 Stages to it (13 is 1… It is an Integrated Mathematics Fact).
- Our Story.
- Nature’s Story.
- Story’s Story (Education and Knowledge).
This is all there is. Everything in all of the World. In the All of Everything is either :
- Our Story.
- Nature’s Story.
- Story’s Story (Education and Knowledge).
To know who and what we are in relativity to The All of Everything, we MUST master The Science of Story. To not do this is to invite and cause Mental Illness.
The Discipline’s Plato’s Point
(Exoteric Instruction) Philosophy and Story, Plato’s Point, The Philosophy, The Why, The Big Picture.
This is where we provide History of Learning and Education.
This is the Instruction and Welcome with the Tour into the Esoteric. The First WEEK (5 to 7 Days) should be dedicated to The Preparations, The Journey, The Tools, and The Who, What, Where, When, and Why. The Instructor needs to know this is where they are Introducing the Student to the Discipline. But the Student must be left alone with the Discipline to “get acquainted.” Think of it, very much, like “Dating the Discipline.”
Always remember, the Discipline is already inside the Child from Birth. The Goal is to lead the Child to the Discipline via The Introduction so they can find it within themselves. Great care must be taken by the Instructor to know the PURPOSE of the Discipline and the Role it plays, which Skill it Builds, and how it fits and amplifies the other Disciplines.
The Discipline’s Tools and Techniques
(Exoteric Instruction) Be Aware of Open and Close Learning.
This is Day #2. “This is a Journey. And you will need your Tools to climb Mount Everest. If you are not prepared, then you will not make it. Logic, Math, and Physics — Scientific Method, The Philosopher’s Compass, The 12 Ethics, The Map, and The User Manual Of The Subconscious Mind — are the Tools.
This is the part where the Student is trained in how to use their Tools and getting familiar with their Expedition Tools.
The Discipline’s Milestones
(Exoteric Instruction) Define The Points. Never Miss The Point.
This is the Map. Day #4 or Day #5. The Student will need to know Where they are going and in what Order. They need these Markers. This is The Land Before Time’s “Past the stone that looks like a long Neck,” … This way the Student knows if they are on the right path or not.
Without Milestones Mapped out for them, they will not know when they get lost, and they think they’ll have “found their way,” when in fact they are VERY lost. Convincing someone that they are lost when they are lost and they think they are on the right path, is a nightmare I recommend avoiding at all costs.
The Discipline’s Dissected Story
(Exoteric Instruction) (Theater and Stage) Prepare for The Journey and Know What you are “Getting Into.” The 5 Depths (The Map) Mapping Overview.
On Day #6 or #7, review everything you have covered. Integrated The Exoteric Instruction. Put it all together. Rehearse it. This is very much your Training before you begin “The Descent” into the Self and “The Ascent” of Mount Everest.
From this point on, The Doing and The Discussion is all that matters.
The Esoteric Journey
The Discipline’s Progression
(Esoteric Journey) (History) Music (X-Axis)
- Scientific Method : Intuition Stage #1
- Academic Discipline : Music (Trust)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st and 2nd
This is what Music is For. Music trains the Mind to See Progression. History of the Discipline. The goal is to show them HOW things Change. What are the Common Denominators of Growth and Change? What are The Stages of Story?
Without this Lesson, the Student will not be able to see their own Growth and Changes from within the Journey. And they will get lost. They are to look for the Common Denominators of Story Progression. It does not matter WHAT Beethoven wrote or WHEN Bach died. It Matters HOW they Moved Music along its Story, How the Story Grew and Changed, and what those Stages were.
The Discipline’s Dance and Physics
(Esoteric Journey) Be Ready to Shift with Ebb and Flow from Exoteric to Esoteric Learning, The Frequency and Rhythm
- Scientific Method : Intuition Stage #1
- Academic Discipline : Song and Dance (Trust)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st and 2nd
The Frequency and Rhythm of The Story Progression is what Dance and Physics is all about. The more we Dance and move, the more we become aware of Mother Nature’s Rhythm. This is where Societal Expectations — which run on its own Metric — interferes with our Natural Rhythm and The First Obstruction of Learning occurs.
Pay attention to the Frequency in 3’s. Find your Frequency and notice what s Natural. Preserve The Natural Rhythm to keep your Progression growing.
The Discipline’s Perspective
(Esoteric Journey) (Mental Diversification) Art (Q- Axis)
- Scientific Method : Intuition Stage #2
- Academic Discipline : Art (Trust)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
The Science of Perspective. This is where we see how to use our Perspective Scopes so we never get caught in a Single Point of View or a Close Mind again. This is where Racism ends. See my Art Course. Here you want to Integrate Progression of Story and The Rhythm in which the Changes through Progression took place with the Science of Perspective.
Pause here. You can already see how this Builds upon itself… And we are only on “Art” in the Lineup of Disciplines.
Reflect on this. Deep. This, right here, is a taste of what Learning is all about.
The Discipline’s Language
(Esoteric Journey) (Definition) Reading/Writing (Y-Axis)
- Scientific Method : Intuition Stage #3
- Academic Discipline : Reading and Writing (Trust)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
From Day #1, when you introduced The Tools, you should have had the Student take out a Journal. This Journal is for Language and Vocabulary. Every Discipline has it’s own Language. When you Master a Discipline, you are really just — and only — Mastering the Language, it’s Logical Progression, and it’s Integrated Skill.
But this is where you really Learn its Language. From this point on, you truly have begun to Integrate The Discipline. Because after this point, you will begin to Understand, which comes with the Logic of The Story.
The Discipline’s Logic (Order)
(Esoteric Journey) (Order and Milestones, Sequence) Logic and Orientation (Y-Axis)
- Scientific Method : Intuition Stage #3 and #4
- Academic Discipline : Philology and Logic (Trust and Justice)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th
The Language defines The Logic and Sequence, The Order of The Progression. But we can’t Simplify it yet. This is where Logic is often mistaken for Rhythm. Not at all. This is understanding in what Order the Progression aligns and the importance of never Skipping a Lesson.
This is the Understanding of Prerequisites and how every Successor is also The Foundation of The Next Successor. That Learning itself — all things — Submit to the Logic of Progression in order to Build Comprehension. This is the Blood and the Beating Heart of All Things.
Only with Logic, can we Orient ourselves in relativity to The Origin and The Destination.
The Discipline’s Simplification
Math and Calculation. Define The Orientation (Esoteric Journey) → The Relativity of You To The Point (Landmarks/Milestones)
- Scientific Method : Intuition Stage #4 and Logic
- Academic Discipline : Logic and Math (Trust and Justice)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th
This is Intuition Stage #4. When you finally can Simplify and Speak all that you have learned. Only then are you a Master of the Discipline. This is the Skill that takes years to Master. Which is why we call these People Masters.
“If you cannot explain it Simply, then you do not understand it well enough.” – Einstein
The Discipline’s Laws
(Esoteric Journey) (Laws) Physics
- Scientific Method : Logic, Math, and Physics
- Academic Discipline : Logic, Math, and Physics (Trust, Justice, and Power Economics)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th
How A Discipline Progresses and in what Order is guided by its Laws. These are The Natural Laws. The Rules that cannot be broken. Every Discipline has its Laws. The Common Denominators that Structure the Discipline. By learning The Laws, you can Build beyond The Known.
All Laws of all Disciplines fit together into a massive puzzle, each one Fortifying the Laws of the others. This is what Mother Nature’s Equilibrium is built upon.
The Discipline’s Interaction
(Esoteric Journey) (Reaction) Chemistry
- Scientific Method : Ontology and Chemistry
- Academic Discipline : Chemistry (Trust, Justice, and Power Economics)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th
Now we learn how the Discipline interacts with the Other Disciplines. How they fit together. We see this in Cooking with how Order (Logic) of Ingredients (Recipe) interact with Quantity (Math) and the Preparations of the Recipe (Theater and Stage) all come together to produce The Food.
Every Discipline does this. Once we start to pay attention to how they all interact and come together, it changes everything and our Mind begins to “Think” in terms of Integrated Wholeness and Connection.
The Discipline’s Integration
(Esoteric Journey) (How It Comes Together) Biology → Back to Plato’s Point Integrated
- Scientific Method : Biology
- Academic Discipline : Biology (Trust, Justice, Power Economics, and Story Navigation)
- Ethical Perspective : 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th
This is not “Part of the 12 Stages” of Learning. It is The 13th, which is The 1st. It is Back to Plato’s Point. This is Biology. The First Academic Discipline of How things all Come together to Fit into One Integrated Whole.
And now you have a Completed Story.
This is all we learn in Philosophy. This Article is JUST a result of pure Philosophy. It’s the Progression through ALL of the Story of Story, which is called “Love” … and it is why “Philosophy” is called “Philosophy,” which is an Arabic and Greek word for “Pure Love.”
You have found Golden Nugget #9! Redeem your Reward here!