Investor Euphoric Addiction-Rush + Growth Simulation Reward +> Mass Hysteria Mimic

One thing in the Investing world we see a lot of is “Don’t get emotionally carried away with the Crowd and follow the herd off the cliff.”

This got me thinking about Mimic-Mirror-Repetition, Mass Hysteria and Emotional Disciplines where the excitement and Euphoria of selling overrides the Logic.

People become Emotional Traders instead of Logical Traders.

And the most interesting thing… It’s like the Reward and “Instant Gratification” of the Reward as your Investment rises, transfers over into “Growth” simulations that feel a lot like Addiction. This is the same Euphoria that a Scammer targets.

It’s the relief in many ways. The Pursuit of Growth. The need to always “Grow On” and the Frustration when we don’t.

In short, not only do we need to grow — and we do — and the Nourishment we require for that growth is Mandatory, but the real problem presents itself when we experience a shortage of Nourishment, which comes to us in the form of Resources. This — the more I step into the study of how Resource Shortages affect our Mental Health and Chemistry — is difficult to recover from.

You would need the 3rd Law of Newton to fix this. You need Resources enough to “slingshot” yourself to the other extreme, but this is where people Indulge on “Newton’s Slingshot” — I love that. I’m keeping that. — It’s the Gorging we do after a Famine… The Indulgence we do after a Drought.

Now, the problem with Newton’s Slingshot is that we squander the Deluge, leaving us impoverished again.

This creates the swinging effect of a “Swinging Pendulum.”

Fail to Regulate and Integrate, and your drought is just around the corner. We want to be sure we “stabilize” so things even out. That way, we can “climb” and get ourselves out.

The trick — and I do mean the Delicate Balance with this, is to feed yourself Resources during the Drought to make yourself think and feel wealthy so that you feel “Indulge” during a Drought. This is a Delicate and highly Strategic balance.

I call this a “Frugal Indulge.” It communicates to the Subconscious Mind, “See! We’re fine!” so the Subconscious Mind feels Nourished and “turns off” the Scarcity Setting and thus, relaxes. By going “Minimalism” and Choosing Minimalism, the Subconscious Mind can be prevented from “triggering” Scarcity and thus charge into Resource Partitioning.

Basically, there is one “Indulgence” that you allow yourself during droughts that, no matter how bad things get, you have your “Allowance” to indulge on that proves to your Subconscious Mind that you have wealth.

For me, this was boxed Puff Tissues and later, Doritos. Anytime I felt “no control” I would indulge to prove to myself, “See. We indulged because everything is fine.”

It’s a balance that requires vigilance. And one that requires planning going in.